- Giffard Memorial Hospital being the oldest in the Hospital emphasize on patient safety as our Priority . We ensure our patients are safe during the Hospitalization and also during the Course of the Treatment . we are committed to provide safety to our patients at all times . Adopting and rigorously following patient safety protocols and initiatives are essential.
- Patient Safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of healthcare and reduction of unnecessary harm associated with healthcare to an acceptable minimum. An acceptable minimum refers to the collective notions of given current knowledge, resources available and the context in which care was delivered weighed against the risk of non-treatment or other treatment .
Working together, members of the health care team and health care systems can improve consistent use of patient safety interventions such as:
- Handwashing
- Time-In & Time Out during Procedures
- Practicing Medication Reconciliation
- Developing and implementing independent verification tools (e.g., checklists, etc.)
- standardizing order sets and office procedures
- Encouraging staff to disclose and learn from preventable adverse events and errors
- Re-engineer hospital discharges.
- Build better teams and rapid response systems.
- Implemention and Monitoring of Patient Safety Indicators
- Hospital acquired infections
- Patient fall
- Pressure ulcer
- Needle stick injuries
- Medication errors
- Clear policies, organizational leadership capacity. Data to drive safety improvements, skilled healthcare professionals and effective involvement of patients in their care, are all needed to ensure sustainable and significant improvements in the safety of healthcare.
- Our Doctors and Healthcare Team care about their patients and strive to deliver high-quality care. Intentionality and consistency to abide by patient safety protocols are vital to doing that.