In the year 1925, the Giffard Mission Hospital was established to improve the quality of life in and around Nuzvid by praying, praising, learning, healing, loving, serving and preparing for Christ’s return. The Hospital has led to the setting up of many churches and has become a centre of influence and inspiration. Since 1925, the Hospital is known to specialize in healing whoever needs it through a strong fusion of medical expertise and spiritual strengthening. Standing up to the onslaught of the pandemic with resilience and fervour, the Hospital had facilitated and taken the required measures to deal with it successfully. It currently has a plethora of departments with the Ophthalmic department making huge inroads into the timely and efficient treatment of patients, making it the department with the highest patient in-take till date.
To become a dynamic global institution and a centre of excellence.
To touch the lives and to transform people by teaching, by healing and by creating a better community for man and god.
Compassionate in all dealings, Loyal to Organizational goals, Hard work with Passion and Productivity, Continuous Self-renewal, Honesty and Integrity in all aspects.
Giffard Memorial Hospital (GMH) is a part of the Seventh Day Adventists organization with more than 175 hospitals worldwide with its presence in 215 countries. It has its presence established in Nuzvid since 1923. The Nuzvid Hospital has grown by leaps and bounds over the years and has been a beacon of light to the people from around the neighbouring villages too. The Ophthalmology department in particular, has risen in prominence, conducting medical camps for the benefit of the patients who can’t afford quality medical healthcare. May the Lord bless us and guide us as we embark on healing and preparing souls for His kingdom.